Entity Dashboard
Immediately after logging in to Threat Center you will be redirected to "My Team", which is your home entity dashboard.
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Immediately after logging in to Threat Center you will be redirected to "My Team", which is your home entity dashboard.
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The Entity dashboard organizes and controls the people, processes, projects, and policies for the users assigned to the entity and subordinate entities.
The Entity dashboard is divided into two sections
Charts reflect an aggregate of all scan data, for every project of every entity subordinate, to the current entity. The charts provide a single pane of glass to quickly assess risk across multiple dimensions of the entity, including both vulnerability and license risks. Cross-dimensional data is available from the dropdowns. The data for the selected dimension is shown in the timeline stack chart to provide a history of risk for the selected dimension.
Subordinate Entities are organized as a list under Teams. We will display teams up to 3 subordinate levels deep. In the example shown below, the organization has set up teams for their major and minor geographical regions. This design allows for the management and organization of larger volumes of scan data. The sparkline charts allow, at a glance, to determine the origin of your risk. Clicking a subordinate entity will take you directly to the entity's dashboard to evaluate its risk in detail.
The Teams tab is only displayed when an Entity has subordinated entities.
The projects tab displays projects directly attached to this entity. Vulnerability, license risk, and asset composition metrics from the most recent scan are displayed in the summary columns, with the last scan timestamp.
Team tree is an alternative view of your teams. The menu on the right provides the option to see the chart on a full screen.