
To perform a fresh installation of the Threatrix Hybrid platform, make sure you have satisfied all the requirements identified in the Getting Started section. Please follow the steps below:

Download and Run the Installer

$ mkdir threatrix-software
$ cd threarirx-software
$ wget
$ chmod +x ./install

Login to Dockerhub

sudo docker login -u {USERNAME}


$ ./install -h

      Welcome to Threatrix Hybrid Install

         Fri Aug 11 19:28:45 UTC 2023

 Usage:  install -h -u <ux tag> -a <app tag> -d <db tag>
 -h :  Help
 -u <ux tag>:  Version of the UX image you want to upgrade to. Default is latest
 -a <app tag>:  Version of the APP image you want to upgrade to. Default is latest
 -d <db tag>:  Version of the DB image you want to upgrade to. Default is latest
 -p <port number>:  Port number which threatrix applcation can use. Default is 80

Run the Installer

$ ./install

      Welcome to Threatrix Hybrid Install

         Fri Aug 11 17:59:55 UTC 2023

 Installing the following components in your Hybrid Envirnment:

  Threat Center:  latest
  APP          :  latest
  DB           :  latest
  Rabbit MQ    :  rabbitmq:3

 Do you want to continue? ( y  or  n ) y

 Proceeding with install...

 Downloading Containers....
 Threatrix Network exists!
 Starting containers....
 Waiting for database to initialize....
 Creating schemas....
 Starting Threatrix Components....

 Installed the following versions of Threatrix components in your Hybrid Envirnment:

  Threat Center:
  APP          :

 Use the following URL to access Threat Center:

      Threatrix Hybrid installation complete!

         Fri Aug 11 18:05:04 UTC 2023

Now you are ready to take Threatrix for a test drive!

Last updated