AWS CodeBuild

Common Build Integration Documentation

This documentation is specific to AWS CodeBuild. Common build server documentation should be reviewed before proceeding further.

Environment Variables

Before continuing, you'll need to collect the following values from your Threatrix account. Please refer to Common build server documentation for details on where to find these values.

Environment variable values can be found in your user profile.

  • THREATRIX_OID - Your organization ID.

  • THREATRIX_EID - Your entityID

  • THREATRIX_API_KEY - Service/API key.

Install ThreatAgent into AWS CodeBuild pipeline

Add CLI Threat Agent

Edit your existing buildspec.yml file to add the following two commands to download the agent and run the scan during your build. The oid, eid and api-key may be setup as environment variables or the values may just be pas as arguments directly to the agent. Simple replace the curly brace holders with the associated values.

      - curl -LJO
      - java -jar threat-agent-latest.jar --oid={THREATRIX_OID} --eid={THREATRIX_EID} --api-key={THREATRIX_API_KEY} .

Last updated