
Prepare for SCM Integration Setup

  • Within Threat Center, navigate to Admin-> Settings->Integrations->SCM Integrations.

  • Take note of your Redirect URL as you'll need it in the next step.

Create Group Bitbucket OAuth Application

Login to GitLab with a user that has permission to create an application

  • Login to your Atlassian or Bitbucket account with a user who has permission to create an application

  • If necessary, switch to Bitbucket from the top left Atlassian menu.

  • Select the Settings cog on the top navigation bar.

  • Select Workspace settings under Bitbucket Administration from the Settings dropdown menu. If you're giving access to a workspace, make sure you have administrative access.

  • Select OAuth consumers under Apps and Features on the left navigation sidebar.

  • Select Add consumer. The Add OAuth consumer page appears.

  • Enter Name "Threatrix"

  • Enter the Redirect URIfrom the Threatrix dashboard

  • Select permissions as shown below

  • Click "Save"

Copy your application ID and Secret as you'll need them for the next step.

Complete SCM Integration

In Threat Center, SCM Integration, complete the following fields

  • Name: Use a unique name that employees will recognize, like your team, group or division. If necessary, add the SCM type if there are more than one in the same group.

  • Provider Type: Select BITBUCKET from the

  • Base URL: This is the URL of your SCM server

  • Token URL: The Token URL of your server

  • Authorization URL: The authorization URL of your server

  • Client ID / Application ID: This is the Application ID or Client ID provided to you when you created your application in your SCM

  • Client Secret / Secret: This is the secret provided to you when you created your application in your SCM.

Last updated